Saturday, May 14, 2011

Madly, deeply in love with you

Remember everytime a question of your worth comes up that God is forever madly, deeply in love with you.  There is no height, no depth, no width, no breadth that can seperate you from His great love.  Soak it up every moment, all day long. He delights in you.  He longs to spend time with you.  He longs to pour his love over you. It is His love that brings peace, comfort, joy, exuberance, passion, and purpose.  Purpose to allow Him to love you more today and as His love flows from you others will ask you what is it that makes you shine and have joy in every circurmstance and you can say - "It is because I am completely, wholly loved without reservation." What joy!!!!!!  

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

He Is All Around Us

Lately the Lord has been revealing to me how much what I see and what I think impacts who I choose to be.  I know it says in the Word as a man thinks in his heart so he is.  Well, lately I have being thinking on HIM more and looking for revelation of God's presence all around me and can I tell you that I am changed.  It is amazing how many ways God can display himself in my day to day life as I look for him.  The other day, I was walking down the steps at my house and there was a beautiful purple flower on the steps.  When I looked at it God said to me, "I am unexpected blessing."  As I walked home from the office this week, down the gravel drive, the Lord said to me about the rocks beneath my feet, "I am God - even the rocks will praise me." He is all around us - reminding us that he is present and that he is in all things.  Lord, I thank you for your faithfulness, for your revelation, and for your presence.  Teach me to see you more - that as I see you I will be transformed more into your image.  What an honor to know that you made me to reflect you.  I am so grateful to have your character. I am love - strength - peace - joy - understanding - grace - mercy - boldness.  Help me to remember these things in the midst of everyday life.  I love you!